


China Time Zone:
联络人: 林幸穗 Anny Lin 协理
skype: annylin8008
wechat: annylin8008
电话:+886-2-2717-0515 分机:110


7.1. Overview of Workers’ Rights of Netherlands —

外籍工人被定义为来自欧盟 (EU)/欧洲经济区 (EEA) 或瑞士以外的工人,必须获得与荷兰工人相比具有竞争力的薪资。

其他国民可能需要申请申根签证才能停留最多 90 天。
如需长期居留或长期就业,外籍工人必须申请并获得临时居留授权 (MVV),并可能获得临时常规居留许可。


Employers seeking to use foreign workers in the Netherlands must ensure that the prospective employees are legally capable of working in the country, as defined by the Foreign Labor Act.

Foreign workers are defined as those from outside of the European Union (EU)/European Economic Area (EEA) or Switzerland and must be paid a competitive wage with Dutch workers.
The Ministry of Social Affairs and Employment is entitled to set quota standards on employment of foreigners in certain sectors.

Multiple types of visas are available to foreign workers.
Almost all European nationals and most nationals from the Americas, as well as some in Asia, are not required to get a visa prior to arrival.
Other nationals may need to apply for a Schengen visa for stays up to 90 days.
For longer stays or longer term employment, foreign workers must apply for and receive an authorization for temporary stay (MVV) and, potentially, a temporary regular residence permit.

Both foreign and domestic employers are responsible for withholding payroll taxes on all employees.
The Netherlands payroll taxes include both income taxes and social insurance contributions, although which taxes employees are subject to depends on their status.
For example, employees who do not qualify for Dutch health insurance do not have to pay into the system.
Otherwise, nonresident workers are taxed at a similar rate as residents on all Dutch income and must file a tax return with the government.

References of  regulations

Ministry of Justice and Security:
 Immigration and Naturalization Service
Legal Requirements of Staff in the Netherlands (EU)

Dutch Government: 
Visa Information for Entering the Netherlands

 7.2. Visas  of Netherlands—


For foreigners from most of Europe, the Americas, and parts of Asia, entrance into the Netherlands merely requires a valid passport and reason for entrance, as well as the absence of a security risk. Citizens of the United States are in this category.
For other foreign residents, visas for entrance into the Netherlands are divided into four primary categories and are dependent on the origin of the passport with which the foreign resident is traveling:

申根签证 :

许多外国人在进入荷兰之前需要获得申根签证才能在 180 天内连续停留最多 90 天。

Schengen Visas: Many foreigners are required to get a Schengen visa prior to entering the Netherlands for stays of up to 90 consecutive days in a period of 180 days.
The Schengen Area comprises 26 different countries in Europe, including Austria, Belgium, the Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Italy, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, the Netherlands, Norway, Poland, the Netherlands, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, and Switzerland.
The Schengen visa does not guarantee unlimited travel within the Schengen Area, however, and may be restricted to only one country per approval.

Applicants must apply within three months of their planned arrival using a visa application form submitted to the Netherlands embassy or consulate.
Applicants may be asked to disclose their financial ability to visit the Netherlands.
Visas usually are approved after one month, but may require as long as two months to process, and require a fee to be paid.



Family of EU/EEA Nationals: 
Family members of European Union and European Economic Area nationals, as well as Swiss nationals, may qualify for an accelerated free visa application process, if they require a Schengen visa.
Applicants must be traveling as a first-degree relative of an EU/EEA or Swiss national within the EU/EEA/Swiss region and must be accompanying the national on their own trip.



某些团体可豁免此要求,包括持有其他有效签证类型的团体; 持有安道尔、加拿大、日本、圣马力诺或美国的有效居民许可证的人; 外交官; 以及欧盟公民的家庭成员。

Airport Transit Visas:
 Airport visas apply to a limited number of foreign nationals, but may be necessary to transit through Dutch airports, either as a departure point or as a connecting location.
Nationals from Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Democratic Republic of Congo, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Ghana, Iran, Iraq, Nigeria, Pakistan, Somalia, and Sri Lanka are required to possess an airport transit visa while connecting between aircraft in the Netherlands.
Nationals from Angola, Colombia, Gambia, Guinea, Guinea-Bissau, Nepal, Sierra Leone, Sudan, Syria, and South Sudan are required to have a transit visa while in an airport’s international transit area anywhere in the Netherlands.

Some groups are exempted from this requirement, including those possessing other valid visa types; those possessing valid resident permits from Andorra, Canada, Japan, San Marino, or the United States; diplomats; and family members of citizens of the European Union.

临时居留授权 (MVV):

MVV https://www.netherlandsworldwide.nl/visa-the-netherlands/mvv-long-stay

除欧盟和其他一些国家的外籍人士,前往荷兰工作、学习或探亲的时间超过 90 天的外国人必须申请临时居留授权 (MVV)。
如果申请在荷兰工作,员工可以让雇主代表他们联繫移民归化局 (IND) Immigration and Naturalization Service

IND 在六个月内对所有申请做出决定。

如果外籍员工的工作时间少于 90 天,雇主必须向 UWV https://www.uwv.nl/en申请工作许可证 (TWV) https://business.gov.nl/regulation/work-permit-employees/
UWV 会检查是否没有具有荷兰、欧盟/欧洲经济区或瑞士国籍的员工有资格胜任该工作。
如果外籍员工工作时间超过 90 天,雇主需要向 IND 申请居留和工作联合许可证 (GVVA) https://ind.nl/en/residence-permits/work/single-permit-gvva
一旦支付了费用并提交了所有必需的文件,IND 就会向 UWV 请求关于是否允许外籍员工工作的建议。
根据 UWV 的建议,IND 做出决定。

获得 MVV 批准后,外国公民的配偶、伴侣和未成年子女也有资格入学。

Authorization for Temporary Stay (MVV) https://www.netherlandsworldwide.nl/visa-the-netherlands/mvv-long-stay: 
Foreign nationals, excluding those from the EU and some other countries, traveling to the Netherlands for more than 90 days for work, study, or family must apply for an authorization for temporary stay (MVV).
Applicants may be required to demonstrate sufficient income levels, the absence of a criminal record and knowledge and understanding of Dutch language and culture.
This latter requirement entails a Dutch civic integration examination conducted abroad prior to entrance, which must be passed prior to application.
If applying to work in the Netherlands, then employees can have their employers contact the Immigration and Naturalization Service (INDImmigration and Naturalization Service) on their behalf.

A fee also is levied for each application.
The IND decides on all applications within six months. Upon approval, applicants may arrive in the Netherlands and must promptly apply for a temporary regular residence permit.
This permit is valid for one year, but can be extended.
After five years these workers must apply for a permanent residence permit.

In addition, employers generally are required to obtain a work permit on behalf of foreign employees.
If the foreign employee will work for fewer than 90 days, the employer must apply for a work permit (TWV:https://business.gov.nl/regulation/work-permit-employees/) with the UWV https://www.uwv.nl/en.

UWV examines among other things if there is no employee with the Dutch, EU/EEA or Swiss nationality that is qualified for the job. If the foreign employee will work for more than 90 days, employers are required to apply for a combined residence and work permit (GVVA) https://ind.nl/en/residence-permits/work/single-permit-gvva with the IND.
Once the fees have been paid and all the required documents have been submitted, the IND requests advice from the UWV about whether the foreign employee is permitted to work.
On the basis of UWV‘s advice, the IND takes a decision.

Highly skilled immigrants may receive leniency in meeting some requirements, although this is at the discretion of the government. When approved for the MVV, foreign nationals also qualify their spouses, partners and minor children for entrance.


对于前往荷兰加勒比地区的旅行者,外国公民可以申请并使用为期六个月的短期签证,称为加勒比签证。 此签证不保证持有人能够连续留在荷兰六个月。

For travelers to the Caribbean parts of the Netherlands, foreign nationals may apply for and use a short-term, six-month visa called a Caribbean visa.
This visa does not guarantee the holder the ability to remain in the Netherlands for six consecutive months.

 7.3. Taxes of Netherlands —


例如,如果非居民有一个雇主,那麽如果他们一年有 25% 的时间在所在国工作,那麽他们就可以在所在国投保。

非居民纳税人必须在课税年度隔年 7 月 1 日之前以电子方式或纸本方式报税。
如果没有线上表格,则需缴纳所得税或社会保险费的非居民应提交纸本 C 表格。

许多藉调到荷兰的员工可能有资格从雇主那里获得相当于其工资 30% 的金额,作为在荷兰居住的额外费用的免税报销。
这笔免税金额在荷兰被称为 30% 折扣。
员工要有资格享受 30% 的福利,他们必须在开始在荷兰工作之前的两年内,在距离荷兰至少 150 公里的地方居住至少 16 个月。

自 2019 年 1 月 1 日起生效,符合资格的员工最多可获得 5 年 30% 的折扣。
自 2018 年 12 月 31 日起生效,符合资格的员工可享有长达八年的 30% 折扣。


荷兰税务局建议保留荷兰境内任何外国工人的借调证明原件副本。 借调证书由国外社会保障机构颁发。

Foreign employers conducting business in the Netherlands and/or employing people in the Netherlands are responsible for Dutch payroll taxes, although whether employers withhold wage taxes, social insurance contributions, or both depends on employee statuses.

Nonresident workers employed in the Netherlands generally are liable for both income tax and social insurance contributions, including payments for the health care insurance.
Both wage taxes and social contributions must be withheld at source by employers, whether foreign or domestic.
If nonresident taxpayers are not eligible for social insurance programs, then they are not liable for either the requisite contributions or applicable tax credits.
For instance, if nonresidents have one employer, then they are insured in the country in which they live if they work 25% of their year in that country.
If not, then employees should be insured in their employer’s country.

Nonresident taxpayers must file taxes, either electronically or in paper, prior to July 1 of the year following the taxable year.
This prompts the government to issue a provisional assessment of tax liability for income taxes and social insurance contributions, if applicable.
This assessment also might note whether a taxpayer is immediately liable for taxation during the current year.
Nonresidents liable for income tax or social insurance contributions should file with the physical C Form, if the online form is unavailable.
If nonresidents are subject to taxes, then those taxes must be paid in a lump sum to the Dutch government via a Dutch or foreign bank account number.

Many employees seconded to the Netherlands may be eligible to receive from their employer an amount equivalent to 30% of their wages as an untaxed reimbursement for extra costs due to living in the Netherlands.
Highly skilled immigrants and supervisory board members of companies, in particular, are very likely to receive this special treatment. This tax-free amount is known in the Netherlands as the 30% facility.
For employees to be eligible for the 30% facility, they must have in the two years before their start of work in the Netherlands lived at least 150 kilometers from the Netherlands for at least 16 months.

Effective since Jan. 1, 2019, an eligible employee may receive the 30% facility for up to five years.
Effective until Dec. 31, 2018, an eligible employee could receive the 30% facility for up to eight years.

Nonresidents are permitted to opt for Dutch residency for tax purposes, if at least a part of their total worldwide income was accrued in the Netherlands.
This will subject their total worldwide income to Dutch tax rates.
Alternately, nonresidents can opt to be classified as partial nonresident taxpayers (with partial resident tax rates and partial nonresident tax rates) or as nonresidents under the double taxation agreement between the Netherlands and their country of origin.

The Dutch Tax Administration suggests retaining copies of original secondment certificates of any foreign workers in the Netherlands. Secondment certificates are issued by the foreign social security body.

 7.4. Wages/Payments  of Netherlands—


There are no special wage requirements for foreign workers.



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林幸穗  Anny Lin 协理
skype: annylin8008
wechat: annylin8008
电话:+886-2-2717-0515 分机:110
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